Our resource page features books authored by our priest Father Lawrence Farley, as well as other spiritual leaders within the Orthodox Church. These works will not only provide you with valuable insights into the faith but also foster a deeper understanding of its profound teachings, practices, and the lived experiences of its adherents.

Essential Orthodox Christian Beliefs
A Manual for Adult Instruction
Downloadable instructional publication about the Orthodox faith for Adults. Our parish priest, Fr. Lawrence Farley, is a major contributor to this long-awaited project from the departments of the Orthodox Church in America
Library and Bookstore available in the Parish
Three Hierarchs/Hartley family Lending Library has a collection of mostly Orthodox material, not always easy to find in general libraries or book stores. We have a large selection of Orthodox children's books for use in the church building or at home. Members must sign out books and sign them back in on return.
Parish Bookstore offers quality Orthodox books, icons and other church goods at good prices.
​Books by Father Lawrence Farley
The Mystical Psalter - Volume 1: Historical Analysis and Christian Commentary
Living Faith: An Orthodox Christian Conversation with Evangelicals
Let Us Attend! A Journey Through the Orthodox Divine Liturgy
The Empty Throne: Reflections on the History and Future of the Orthodox Episcopacy
A Daily Calendar of Saints: A Synaxarion for Today's North American Church
Unquenchable Fire: The Traditional Christian Teaching about Hell
Following Egeria: A Visit to the Holy Land through Time and Space
The Christian Old Testament: Looking at the Hebrew Scriptures through Christian Eyes
Song of Songs: Textual Commentary and Theological Reflections
Walking with Moses: Forty Lessons from the Life of the Lawgiver
One Flesh: Salvation through Marriage in the Orthodox Church
Exploring Islam: A Christian Perspective on the Life of Muhammad and the Qur'an
In the Beginning: A Fresh Look at the Early Chapters of Genesis
Re-Discovering Mary: The Orthodox Understanding of the Mother of God
​Books by Donna Farley
The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series (set of 13) by Father Lawrence Farley​
The Prison Epistles: Philippians-Ephesians-Colossians-Philemon
Shepherding the Flock: The Pastoral Epistles of Saint Paul the Apostle to Timothy and Titus
Words of Fire: The Early Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians and the Galatians
Universal Truth: The Catholic Epistles of James, Peter, Jude, and John
The Apocalypse of Saint John: A Revelation of Love and Power